- Why is my zoom camera not working on my laptop - why is my zoom camera not working on my laptop

- Why is my zoom camera not working on my laptop - why is my zoom camera not working on my laptop

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Search the community and support articles Windows Windows 10 Search Community member. I have a Lenovo X1 6th generation laptop running Windows I installed the Zoom Conferencing app and while I can join a meeting and see their videos, the camera on my laptop just shows a blank screen.

I have visited the Zoom help pages but to no avail. The system has the latest updates and the camera driver also is the latest one. I have shut off any other camera-sharing software such as Skype and enabled access to all apps.

This is quite frustrating! Any help would be appreciated. This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. The web cam works with the built get can app on laptop you zoom camera app and in Google Meet, but in Zoom I see a black screen instead of video.

Thanks for your feedback. How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. Thanks very much! Problem solved! I solved it by reinstalling the camera driver with an updated version.

I'll file the other solution for later reference. This /1377.txt in other languages x.


Why is my zoom camera not working on my laptop - why is my zoom camera not working on my laptop

  May 18,  · To verify that the Zoom app has camera permission settings on Windows 10, start by typing Settings into the search bar. From Windows Settings, click on Privacy > Camera under App permissions. The first section allows access to your camera on your device. Make sure it’s on. The next section globally gives your installed apps access to your . Feb 01,  · Windows 10 has specific privacy settings that prevent software and hardware from accessing your camera. That could be one of the reasons why your camera is not working on Zoom. Launch the Settings app and navigate to Privacy. Then, under App Permissions, click on Camera. There’s an option there that says Allow apps to access your camera. May 19,  · Press WIN+I, select System then About. If you recently updated Windows 10, you might need to give apps permission to use the camera. In newer versions of Windows 10, some apps don’t have default access to the camera. To let apps access the camera, select the Start button, and then select Settings > Privacy > Camera.    


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